Code of Conduct
1. Overview
The purpose of the River Tech Student Code of Conduct is to encourage students to follow Christian standards of behavior by clearly indicating acceptable behavior.
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
1. I will submit to the civil authority of our country and obey its laws. I understand this will prohibit such things as the use of tobacco of any kind, alcohol, marijuana, vaping, the illegal use of drugs of any kind as defined by federal law, gambling and shoplifting. (I Timothy 2:1-2, I Peter 2:13-14)
2. I will willingly submit to those in authority over me. (I Thessalonians 5:12, I Peter 5:5) a. This includes: Not talking back when asked to do something.
3. I will respect and honor other individuals. (1 Peter 2:17; Philippians 2:3; and Galatians 5:14) a. This includes: Not talking over others, name calling, fighting, belittling, etc.
4. I will respect the property of others. ( Exodus 10:15, Leviticus 19:11, I Thessalonians 4:6) a. This includes: Not touching others property without permission, damaging, or stealing, this goes for school property as well.
5. I will conduct myself with honor and integrity in both spoken and written Word. (Colossians 3:9-10, 4:6, Titus 2:6-8) a. This includes: No filthy, crude language or lying.
6. I will use wholesome speech that respects the name of God, Christianity, and His Church. (Exodus 20:7; Ephesians 4:29; and Hebrews 10:29)
7. I will be modest in my dress and appearance. I have read and understand the applicable sections of the Student Handbook related to dress and appearance. (I Thessalonians 4:3-7, I Timothy 2:9-10, I Peter 3:3-5)
8. I will use technology in an appropriate and responsible manner. (Psalm 105:21, Luke 16:1-2, James 3:13-3) a. This includes: Only using school approved applications during school hours.
9. I will inform an administrator or teacher if I learn about anyone threatening to harm themselves or others. (Ecclesiastes 8:11, John 13:34, I Thessalonians 4:9)
2. Discipline Policy
Discipline is both good and necessary. (Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 19:17)
● As a first step to disciplining our students we will work on establishing positive, respectful, and trusting relationships with them, which we expect will help them feel safe with us and allow for more open and honest communication and better problem solving.
● No physical, verbal, or emotional abuse is ever to be done to a child as a disciplinary measure by a teacher, no matter the issue. The teachers will show respect and consideration to each child’s dignity, needs, and uniqueness. We also expect the children to learn to show respect to the school staff in language and behavior.
● As school staff we are committed to making sure that the requirements and expectations to the students are matching their age and stage of development and are communicated to the students on a regular basis. If a parent feels that they are not, that should be communicated to the child’s teacher and corrected if necessary.
● We teach social and emotional intelligence through different team games and activities that help kids understand their own and other’s feelings and needs better, to help them develop empathy and patience towards others (as well as themselves). We believe that developing such social and emotional skills will help them control their impulses and behavior better, will help them fix mistakes and find new solutions.
● Ultimately, the responsibility for a student’s behavior rests with the parent. The school hopes that parents will be cooperative in reinforcing behavioral expectations with the student in an effort to foster a culture of mutual respect.
Typical Discipline will be as follows:
● Verbal warning
● Loss of school currency
● Push-ups or Wall sits
● Clean the Cafeteria Students who are negative in school currency will not participate in shop, or lunch recess and will clean the cafeteria.
Behavior that warrants a strike system are as follows:
● Blatant Defiance to Authority
● Harming or threatening other students
● Theft
● Vandalism
Before a strike escalates all staff will be notified and discuss whether a strike will be added.
Strike ascension:
1. Strike One: First sign of unacceptable behavior a. First will be an attempt to correct behavior in class. b. A parent will be sat down and talked with about the behavior and the potential for suspension.
2. Strike Two: Second unacceptable behavior a. A sit down talk with the Student and Parent about the further suspension. b. Suspended for three days.
3. Strike Three: Third unacceptable behavior a. Sit down and talk with the child and parent about the behavior and possibility of expulsion. b. Suspended for a week.
4. Strike Four: Fourth unacceptable behavior a. Expelled. Strike descension: 1. Three months without a strike based behavior will remove a strike.
An important part of River Tech’s educational curriculum is developing each child’s social capital through: team building, emotional and social competence, cultivation of empathy, and anti-bullying workshops. We aim to teach our students to get along with others who may differ from them. We also want to cultivate a culture of volunteerism, charity, and missions. Bullying, threats, and harassment, whether sexual, ethnic, racial, age, religious, or handicap-related, will not be tolerated at River Tech. Students subjected to or observing bullying need to report incidents to a teacher immediately. Written and/or verbal threats of bodily harm to students or staff will be taken very seriously. Any student making a threat regardless of intent, whether jokingly or not, may be subject to suspension.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting other people’s ideas and writings as one’s own and/or not giving credit to the original source(s). This action is not allowed at River Tech. AI tools such as ChatGPT are not permitted for use on school assignments unless a teacher says otherwise.
Students who bring knives, guns or objects construed as weapons onto school property or to school-sponsored activities will be subject to expulsion per Post Falls School District Policy and Idaho Code 33-205 and 18-3302D.
In compliance with the Drug Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (PL100-690) River Tech recognizes its responsibility to maintain a school environment free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Violation of this policy may result in suspension, and notification of parents/guardians.
River Tech’s Dress Code policy has been established to help facilitate the education of our students, to ensure their safety, to eliminate distraction, to foster a sense of discipline, modesty, and professionalism, to promote our school identity and spirit, and to allow for parity among our students. The primary objective of the dress code is to give priority to the development of the inner self over the outer self (1 Peter 3:3-4). We believe a student’s character, personality, and abilities should draw attention to him or her, not their appearance.
All students are expected to maintain the highest possible standards of personal hygiene. This includes personal cleanliness, as well as wearing clean clothing. Upon admission to River Tech, students and their parents accept this ideal and agree to abide by the dress code in its entirety. Failure to conform to the dress code will result in disciplinary consequences.
● Skirts, shorts, and “skorts” shouldn’t be shorter than just above the knee.
● Sleeveless tops for boys & girls must have 2 1/2 inch straps and not be low cut on the sides.
● Shirt/top necklines that expose cleavage are inappropriate for school and are not acceptable.
● All clothing must remain in place to cover the belly and the buttocks during normal activity.* No male or female undergarments should show during normal activity.*
● Jewelry is not to be excessive or distracting. Modest jewelry with no inappropriate symbols is allowed. Only ears may be pierced. No other body piercings are allowed (tongue, eyebrow, nose, etc.). NO tapers or gages.
● Spike collars or bracelets, as well as spikes on backpacks or clothing, are prohibited.
● Boys should not wear female attire.
● Sunglasses, bandanas, scarves, and jackets are not to be worn in the building (with exception to health reasons).
● Writing on skin is not permitted.
● Clothing and jewelry bearing drawings or words related to violence, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, profanity, sexual innuendo, or weapons are not to be worn.
● Hair must be clean, neat, and appropriate
● By definition, the following hairstyles are considered inappropriate: mohawks, names, letters, symbols, or numbers cut in hair. Facial hair is allowed if well trimmed and groomed.
● All hair color, including extensions, must be natural in color and composition (does not have to be natural born hair color). Hair must be one color (bleach bangs, colored tips, and other similar styles are not permitted); however, natural colored highlights and lowlights are acceptable.
● If worn, make up and nail polish must be moderate and appropriate for the educational setting. *Normal activity consists of walking, sitting, standing, bending, and/or stretching.
Styles change, and the administration reserves the right to deem any attire inappropriate. If any students are unsure about any article of clothing, they should inquire before they wear it. Students who violate the dress code will remain in the office until appropriate clothing is delivered to them. Repeated violation of the student dress code may result in further disciplinary actions.